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"Palm Sunday"

Today's selected readings: – Set readings for the day


Kid's Church talk: -
• (Dress in football colours, scarf, hat, jacket etc)
• Do you have a favourite football team (Discuss)
• If you were to attend the game and your team won a goal, what would you do?
• When our team is in front it is very exciting, and at times we can get a little carried away with our enthusiasm.
• This is what happened to Jesus. They thought he was coming as a person who was going to lead a revolt and free them from the cruel rulers of the day.
• A little like the people in East Timor when the Australians came to their country to free them from the cruel rule of the Indonesians in control at that time. (Discuss)
• But Jesus did not come as a war lord. He came in peace because he was a different type of King. He was one who did not approve of war.
• To make this point, Jesus came into the city riding a donkey (a symbol of peace)
• Jesus wants us to follow his example. He doesn't want us to fight with one another (like brothers/sisters, school friends, neighbours etc). He wants us to try and get along with each other
• As a christian that is our duty, so next time we feel angry and want to get even with someone, just think about what Jesus taught on Palm Sunday. Peaceful means is always the goal.

But today is also the start of the special last week of Jesus life before he comes back to life. Each of the jelly bean colours remind you as something special about Jesus and our Christian faith. (Use the "Jelly Bean Bag Prayer" below)

Kids Church Activity:
To make a Holy Week Mobile and during the talk kids are given a special bag of jelly beans.

What you need to get ready:
Template outlines, scissors, dowel, knitting needle to make the holes in the card, card, coloured pencils and or spirit pens,


Jelly Bean Story Jesus Jelly Bean Bags
Place jelly beans in a snack size ziplock bag and attach the following prayer:
Red is for the blood He gave,
Green is for the grass He made,
Yellow is for the sun so bright,
Orange is for the edge of night.
Black is for the wrong that were do,
White is for the grace He gave.
Purple is for the hour of sorrow,
Pink is for the new tomorrow.
A bag full of jelly beans,
Colorful and sweet,
Is a a Promise... Is an Easter treat!